Boat Storage in the Northshore Area

Reliable and affordable storage solutions for your boat

Your Locally-Owned Storage Solution

Rent boat storage from Seattle-area locals

Storing a boat at home isn’t always easy! In fact, it’s not always possible. Whether you just don’t have the space or your neighborhood doesn’t allow boats to be kept in the driveway, what are you to do with that awesome watercraft? And what about when you’ve got the space, but it’s the off-season? 

Our storage facilities have the space you need. Rent boat storage in Woodinville or Bothell today, allowing you to store month-to-month in an easily accessible location. Find your solution online in minutes!

Why Choose Sherlock Self Storage?

Find out why we’re the best vehicle storage solution for you!

Flexible Rental Agreements

Rent on a month-to-month basis, allowing you to stay flexible with your storage needs.

Secure Storage Facilities

Fenced perimeters, gated access, modern security cameras, and more. Trust where you store.

Easy Access

It’s important for your storage facility to be easy to reach. We’re located right off local highways.

Nearby Boat Ramps

Do you visit any of these boat launches? We’re nearby!

  • Kenmore Avenue Boat Launch

  • Kirkland Marina

  • Magnuson Park

  • Lake Sammamish

  • Echo Lake